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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > Enhanced DB Grid


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ð Cell Hint Options

Sets the background color and font for cell hints when the "Cell Hints" attribute is enabled


ð Selected Row Background and Font Color

Background Color

Sets the background color of selected row when "Row Select" attribute is enabled

Font Color

Sets the font color of selected row when "Row Select" attribute is enabled


ð Multiline Rows

Lines per row

Expands the column cell height for additional lines


ð Variable Row Height

Lines per row

Expands the height for specific rows. The settings can be modified in EEPs using the "RowHeightSettings" property. This is a comma separated name value pairs. Example: "2=75,5=90"


PROPERTY GridComponentID RowHeightSettings '2=75,5=90'


ð Fixed Columns

Specifies the number of columns on the left of the grid that cannot be scrolled

