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Enhanced Properties

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ð Band

Specifies the band to be assigned to the column


ð Sort Caption

Specifies the caption displayed when sorting records


ð Field Type

Specifies an enhanced data representation to display based on the column's field type. Options include: Standard, Progress Bar, Password, Hyperlink, Checkbox, and Lookup Expression


Standard - displays characters, with possible formatting

Display Format for Non-Text Values - specifies the display format for integer, date, time, etc. values. Use the provided button, or press [F6] for example formats. The display format overrides to the form-level format for the field.

Input Format Mask - specifies keystroke restrictions and formatting for data entry actions. Use the provided button for example formats. For more information, see Using Format Masks in Forms.

Character Case - specifies a case of the entered characters, which are converted as the user types. Changing the Character Case property changes the actual contents of the text, not just the appearance. Any case information is lost and can't be recaptured by changing Character Case to Normal. Supported Options: Normal, Upper Case, Lower Case, Word Case, Sentence Case, Title Case

Progress Bar - displays a progress bar for the field value

Minimum - specifies the minimum value allowed for the progress bar display

Maximum - specifies the maximum value allowed for the progress bar display

Bar Color - specifies the color for the progress bar

Progress Value - specifies if the value in the percentage is displayed

Position - specifies the text position of the progress percentage. Left, Center, and Right are relative to the cell. Progress Center and Progress Right are relative to the progress bar

Text Color - specifies the color of text displaying the progress percentage




Password - displayed a specified character to hide the actual value

Hyperlink - displays text as a hyperlink, which can be used to launch a Web browser

Checkbox - displays a check box, where the checked and unchecked values can be specified

Lookup Expression - displays a value based upon a lookup expression. When using a Lookup Expression field type, changes to the cell value will display the previous value after it is changed, and only updates when the focus is moved to another row. As the column change is known within memory (from moving from cell to cell within the row) and not yet passed to the engine (from moving from row to row), the Lookup Expression can be dynamically replaced with the current in-memory value before passing to the engine for evaluation by enclosing the field name within "less than" and "greater than" characters; "<" and ">". Example: AccountName IN Account WHERE AccountType = <AccountType>


ð Footer


Specifies the type of data displayed in the footer beneath the column. Options include a custom Value/Text or one of several aggregate functions.


Specifies the alignment of the of the footer value


Specifies the custom value to be displayed in the footer


Specifies the custom text to be displayed in the footer


ð Text Ellipsis

Specifies where the field ellipsis takes place


ð Filter Type

Specifies the condition type for the filter applied to the grid column. Options include: Same As Grid, CONTAINS, LIKE, and EQUAL


ð Read Only

Disables user from editing data in field


ð Title Clickable

Specifies whether the Enhanced DB Grid column is clickable to allow the column values to be sorted in ascending or descending order
