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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Vertical Grid

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ð Behavior Options

Allow Change Record

Specifies whether scrolling through records is enabled. This property is in effect when the value of the Layout Style is "Single Record View" or "Bands View". If "Allow Change Record property is checked/true, the user can scroll through records using the horizontal scroll bar or left arrow and right arrow keys.

Always Show Editor

Determines whether the focused cell's editor is always active

Band Sizing

Specifies the band resizing availability. When the Layout Style is "Bands View", if the band doesn't occupy all the width of the grid control's client area (when Auto Scale Bands is unchecked/false), Band Sizing specifies whether the user can change the band's width. If Band Sizing is checked/true, the user can drag the right edge of the band to resize the band's width. Note: If the Layout Style is "Multi-Record View" and Band Sizing is checked/true, the user can drag the right edge of the first data column to resize the width of all data columns in the grid. The user cannot resize the data columns width less than specified by the Value Minimum Width property.

Cell Hints

Specifies whether a hint is displayed for a cell when the text does not fit into the cell's area

Focus Cell On Cycle

Determines the manner in which edit cells are focused

Focus First Cell On New Record

Determines whether the focus moves to the first cell of a newly created row

Go To Next Cell On Enter

Determines whether control items can be navigated by using the [Enter] key

Go To Next Cell On Tab

Determines whether the [Tab] key is used to navigate through the current editing control cells

Header Sizing

Specifies whether the user can change row headers width. If the value of the Header Sizing is checked/true, the user can drag the right edge of the header column to resize row header column width.

Immediate Editor

Determines whether the appropriate editor is activated immediately after an edit cell is clicked

Navigator Hints

Specifies if hints should be displayed for buttons displayed in an editing control's navigator

Row Sizing

Specifies whether the user can change the row height. If the value of the Row Sizing is checked/true, the user can drag the bottom edge of any row in the grid control to resize the desired row height.

Row Tracking

Enables row tracking when the user moves the mouse pointer over rows while pressing left mouse button. Row Tracking enables changing of the current row appearance and the item editor activation when the user moves the mouse pointer over rows while pressing left mouse button. If Row Tracking property is unchecked/false, just the first row that the user clicks on when starts moving the mouse pointer changes its appearance while the others retain their state.


ð Data Options


Determines whether a user can add a new record by pressing the down arrow on the keyboard when focus is on the last grid row

Cancel On Exit

Determines whether empty records are posted into a data set when the grid view loses focus


Determines whether a user is allowed to delete records within a View by pressing the [Del] or [Ctrl+Del] keys

Deleting Confirmation

Determines whether a message box appears requiring confirmation of the user's request to delete a row


Determines whether a user can edit records within a view


Determines whether a user can insert records by pressing the [Insert] key or via the new item row


ð View Options

Auto Scale Bands

Specifies if the band fills the width of all client area of the grid control. When the Layout Style is "Bands View", this property specifies the band width adjusting within the grid control. If Auto Scale Bands is checked/true, the grid control automatically adjusts the band's width to the width of the control client area. Auto Scale Bands affects the cell auto-height adjustment (which can be enabled with the Cell Auto Height setting).

Category Explorer Style

Determines whether to display category rows as the MS Explorer paint style

Cell Auto Height

Specifies whether the cell height varies according to the cell's text length

Cell End Ellipsis

Specifies to display an ellipsis when the entire text cannot be displayed within a cell

Show Buttons

Specifies whether to display expand buttons of the parent rows. If Show Buttons is checked/true, and Expand Button is checked/true, an expand button will appear on each parent row. The user can click the button to expand or collapse the parent row as an alternative to double-clicking the parent row.

Show Headers

Specifies whether to display row headers. If Show Headers is checked/true, row header columns will appear in the grid control. Otherwise only data columns will be shown.


ð Sections

Show Navigator

Specifies whether to display a controller to navigate through visible rows in the order that they are displayed on screen

Show Navigator Info Panel

Specifies whether to display the record number and total record count for the current dataset
