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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Card View > Rows > Properties

Spin Edit

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ð Properties

Alignment (H, V)

Specifies the horizontal and vertical justification of the data

Display Format

Specifies the manner in which the value is formatted when not focused

Input Format Mask

Specifies keystroke restrictions and formatting for data entry actions. Use the provided button for example formats. For more information, see Using Format Masks in Forms.


Specifies the increment value

Large Increment

Specifies the fast increment value. Pressing the Page Up/Page Down key performs fast navigation through values.

Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum value to select

Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum value to select

Auto Select

Specifies the data within the field will be selected, when the focus lands on it

Hide Selection

Specifies if selected text within the control remains "highlighted" when focus is moved to another control

Spin Buttons

Specifies to display the spin edit buttons


Specifies the position of spin editor buttons

HorzLeftRight - displays the buttons horizontally to the left and right of the edit value

HorzRight - displays the buttons horizontally to right of the edit value

Vertical - displays the buttons vertically to right of the edit value

Spin editors are capable of displaying four buttons to affect the edited value. Two are used to increment and decrement the edited value by the Increment property value. The other two modify the edited value by the LargeIncrement property value but they are only visible if the ShowFastButtons property is set to True. How these buttons are oriented and positioned within the editor is controlled by the Position property.

Use Ctrl Increment

Determines whether incrementing/decrementing the spin value requires holding down the Ctrl key

Use Display Format When Editing

Specifies if the display mode format is used for value formatting in edit mode














