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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Database Explorer > Group Bar


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The "Tables" section of the Database Explorer provides menu options to manage your R:BASE database tables.


New Table... - opens the Data Designer (RBDefine) module for you to create the new table definitions

New Table Wizard... - opens the Table Wizard to create a new table from various templates

Open Table - opens the selected table in the Data Browser to view the data

Open Table WHERE - launches a dialog to add a WHERE Clause and change the browse mode when opening the selected table in the Data Browser

Open Table As... - opens the selected table in the Data Browser to view the data as a grid, row view, or tree grid

Design Table... - opens the selected table in the Data Designer (RBDefine) module for you to edit the table definitions

Copy Table... - copies the selected table to a new table

Rename Table... - renames the selected table to a new name

Delete Table(s)... - deletes the selected table(s)

Export Data - offers several export options for the table data

Unload - offers options to unload the table 1) structure, 2) definitions, 3) definitions with constraints, indexes, and comments, 4) data and structure, or 5) data. dBASE and Server table structure can also be unloaded. The Unload option can be used with one or more tables selected.

Change Comment... - alters the comment for the selected table

Refresh - refreshes the table list in the right pane of the Database Explorer

Help - opens the Database Explorer Help



When right clicking in the Work Space, the menu options are also available.
