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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Vertical Grid > Rows > Data Rows > Properties

Track Bar

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ð Properties > Options

Border Width

Specifies the additional offset of the track bar's elements from its borders

Line Size, Frequency

Specifies the amount by which the slider's position is changed when clicking the change buttons or pressing the arrow keys, and the distance between tick marks

Minimum, Maximum

Specifies the minimum and maximum positions on the track


Displays the slider horizontally or vertically

Page Size

Specifies the amount by which the slider's position is changed when clicking the track bar or pressing the Page Up or Page Down key

Selection Color

Specifies the color of the selection bar

Selection Start, End

Specifies the position where the selection bar starts and ends

Text Orientation

Specifies the orientation of the text representing tick marks.

Auto Size

Specifies whether the size of track bar's elements is calculated automatically

Reverse Direction

Switches the scale direction of the track bar to the opposite direction

Show Change Buttons

Specifies the visibility of buttons that allow end-users to move the thumb

Show Position Hints

Specifies the visibility of a hint window displaying the current thumb position

Show Ticks

Switches the visibility of tick marks

Show Track

Specifies the visibility of the track bar



ð Properties > More Options

Thumb Color

Specifies the color of the track bar's thumb

Height, Width

Specifies the height and width of the track bar's thumb in pixels

Highlight Color

Specifies the color of the track bar's thumb when the mouse pointer hovers over it

Step, Type

Specifies the manner in which the track bar's thumb is moved when the track bar is clicked, and whether the track bar's thumb is visible and whether it must be custom painted


Tick Color

Specifies the color of ticks

Marks, Type

Specifies the position of tick marks and the appearance of the track bar's thumb, the appearance of tick marks


Specifies the size of ticks in pixels


Track Color

Specifies the color of the track bar


Specifies the width of the track bar in pixels








