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R:BASE 11 Help

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Transaction Processing

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TRANSACT - toggles transaction processing on and off. When transaction processing is set on and AUTOCOMMIT is set off, all commands entered after one COMMIT or ROLLBACK command until the next comprise a transaction.

AUTOCOMMIT - toggles AUTOCOMMIT processing on and off. When transaction processing and AUTOCOMMIT are on, each command that is executed successfully is immediately made permanent and visible to network users.

COMPATIB - toggles compatibility with R:BASE transactions with prior R:BASE versions and Oterro.

TJOURNAL - toggles journaling of commands that modify data when transaction processing is on.

MAXTRANS - specifies the maximum number of users who can have the same database open concurrently with transaction processing on.



Defaults - will load the default configuration settings for the R:BASE environment

Make a Backup - will create a backup configuration file in the same directory. The backup configuration file will use the .~CFG file extension.

