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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Database Explorer

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As the main dashboard, the R:BASE 11 Database Explorer has been enhanced with the following features:


New Find in list Filter to search for items within the work space





Support to directly edit a stored procedure's code from the Database Explorer





Added column for Views, listing the table/view source that each view is comprised of





Added "Expand Selection" and "Shrink Selection" menu options to the Command Files group, where a custom file mask (file name and/or extension) can be specified to include or limit what files are selected





Enhanced results when searching for text in EEPs, object properties, and expressions, where the date and time stamp and version are displayed next to the object name





Added Plugins button to the main toolbar





Enhanced WHERE Builder when running a form or printing a report/label which contains slave tables, where "ARRANGE TableName BY ColumnName" parameters can be specified. After a slave table is selected from the table list in the WHERE Builder, the "ARRANGE BY" button is enabled to define the column(s) to arrange the slave table data.





Added display of slave tables when selecting to run a form or print a report/label from the main toolbar





Added support to edit a view in R:BASE Editor from the Database Explorer, where a tab opens in R:BASE Editor for any changes to be implemented by running the .vie command file





New "Open Table WHERE..." and "Open View WHERE..." options added to the group bar





Added "Save" button when searching for text in EEPs, object properties, and expressions, where each module may be saved individually





Added display for the current INSERT/OVERWRITE status in the R:BASE status bar





Added support to edit a stored procedure declaration in R:BASE Editor, with the source in a .PRO file and the declaration to a .RMD file





Added display of comments when running an external form from the main toolbar when no external form is selected





Added setting to toggle the display of tables/views for the Views area. When enabled, the setting can slow down response times when many/complicated views are present.





Added "Save EEP To Folder" menu option for Forms, Reports, Labels, and External Forms where the EEP code for the selected objects may be saved to a folder





Database Explorer features added within R:BASE X.5 (Versions 10.5):


Added "Open Table As" option to view a table as a Grid, Row, or Tree Grid. Under views, "Open View As" is also available.

Enhanced Property Bar including the "Find in Database Explorer" button

Enhanced dialog when running forms and printing reports/labels, where a "WHERE History" button is now displayed

Updated Database Explorer sidebar, with active tabs made more prominent

Added "search history" support for the Find in Database Explorer utility. The entry box is now a drop down where the search history is available in the drop down items. To clear the history, press the [Ctrl+R] key combination. The search history is saved in the C:\Users\<User>\RBTI\ folder within the DBEXP.RST file.

Added "search history" support for the Find in Custom EEP, Control Property, and Expression searches

Added "In Property Names" option for Control Property searches to locate text for the actual property (e. g. Read Only, AutoSize, Show Hint, etc.) in use for objects in forms, reports, and labels

New "Show Hidden Items" setting, to toggle the display of files, based upon the hidden file attribute. Hidden files may include databases, external form files, applications, and command files.

Added workbook export generation control option in Tables > Export Data > MS Excel Workbook

Additional Split View and Tile Menu menu control types added as options for application conversions

Enhanced display appearance with legacy application to external form file conversions

Enhanced "Find in Control Properties" [Ctrl-L] searches to include the Tree View and Drop-Down Menu Button "EEP File" properties

Added "File Comment" option for the Commands Files area, where braces {...} in the first line will be interpreted. R:BASE will only look for the first 1024 characters of the file. The setting must be enabled by selecting Settings > Database Explorer > Show File Comment

Added version number to the output file name when unloading forms, reports and labels, to allow easier tracking for unloaded items. The unloaded file name includes the database name, the item type, (Form/Report/Label), the form/report/label name, and the version number.

Updated Database Properties option to allow the dialog to be launched for all available database version flags. A help button was also added, so that version flag values and other database information may be reviewed.

Added "Update Command History" check box for when running external forms

Added option to reset a stored procedure version number

Added Database Explorer setting where users can toggle sending deleted files to the Recycle Bin or not. The default is enabled. File-based objects (external form files (.rff), application files (.rba), and command files) are already sent to the Recycle Bin. With this change, database files are now also sent to the Recycle Bin.


Database Explorer features added within R:BASE X (Versions 10.0):


Unicode support for extended characters for all Database Explorer objects

Support for Fractional Seconds (HH:MM:SS.SSS) for TIME and DATETIME data

New Database Explorer navigator, with left sided tabs, to only display menu options for the active module

New Database Explorer drop-down menu, to quickly jump to a desired module

Added "Date/Time" column for Table and Views providing the last structure change for each - R:BASE Enterprise only

Added option to display row numbers for tables, views, forms, reports, etc., with additional alignment settings

Added Database Properties reference in the Databases section, providing general information, database connections, table structure, column structure, and indexes for the selected database

Enhanced display of compressed forms, reports, and labels, which appear with a vice icon indicating if it is currently compressed, or no vice if uncompressed

Enhanced warning exclamation display of listed database files, informing users if a listed database is that of a version prior to R:BASE X - R:BASE Enterprise only

Additional drag-and-drop unload capabilities for tables, allowing users to unload table structure with [Ctrl]+Drag table and unload table data with [Shift]+Drag table. The file names of the unloaded table will reflect the unload type used.

Enhanced stored procedures unload capabilities to create the .PRO source file, and a .RMD file with the same name containing the PUT command, with full parameters

Added Connection History option to the group bar Databases menu

Enhanced "Find in Control Properties" utility to also locate text within Custom Form Actions

Added setting to show/hide slave tables for forms, reports, and labels

New "Database Events" menu item within the "Databases" options

Expanded Database Explorer settings, to "Open Group After Connecting" to include External Forms, Applications, and Command Files

New hot key [Ctrl+Alt+Q] allowing an EEP quick peek for a selected form/report/label

Added WHERE Clause History [F5] to keep track of the WHERE Clause statements used for forms, reports, and labels

Enhanced RBA Application conversion to an External Form, with Tree View as an additional menu display method

Added "Touch" utility for forms, reports, and labels to update/save objects when migrating between versions

Added "Read Only" notification added to the Status Bar when a database is connected in read-only mode

Added WHERE Clause History [F5] to keep track of the WHERE Clause statements used when opening tables/views


Database Explorer features added within versions eXtreme 9.0, 9.1, and 9.5:


Ability to convert R:BASE Windows and DOS legacy application file (.APP/.API) to an External Form File

Ability to convert R:BASE Windows application file (.RBA) to an External Form File

An additional menu option is available to copy a database to another folder location when right clicking on a database

New right click menu option to unload the structure of Server tables

New right click menu option to unload the structure of dBASE tables

The "Find in Files" utility includes additional Search options allowing the search for text to be more precise

A new feature within the "Forms" options allows for a Variable Form to be saved as an External Form File

Support to store Comment and Version information for External Form Files

The Group Bar options and the right click speed menu options have been synchronized to match

The "Find" options for the Forms/Reports/Labels/External Forms/Applications Group Bar menus and right click options now also contain "Find in Expressions... Ctrl+Shift+F" and "Find in Control Properties... Ctrl+L"

Enhanced Forms option to change the background color for multiple forms at once

Ability to search for text in Custom EEPs within Forms, Reports, Labels, External Forms, and Applications

Ability to search for text in within Form, Report, Label, and External Form control properties

Ability to search for text within defined Form, Report, and Label variable expressions

Support for drag-and-drop unload capabilities from any Database Explorer object to the Windows Explorer

Detailed lock status for connected databases and opened tables

Ability to cut, copy and paste (using [Ctrl]+[X], [Ctrl]+[C] and [Ctrl]+[V]) External Form Files, Command Files, and Application files into Windows Explorer

Ability to copy and paste (using [Ctrl]+[C] and [Ctrl]+[V]) single or multiple Forms, Reports, and Labels to and from the Database Explorer

Added "Date/Time" column for Forms, Reports, and Labels

Added "Version" column for Forms, Reports, and Labels

Multi-Select is available for all Database Explorer objects

Ability to search for text within Stored Procedures from the Group Bar

Renaming of Database Explorer objects using the [F2] key is enabled

Smart default output file naming conventions provided when unloading all Database Explorer objects

Ability to launch the R:BASE Editor for several selected command files

Enhanced legacy object conversion to support multiple forms, reports, or labels

Sort visualization enabled, by showing an "Asc/Desc" arrow within the column

Sort options are kept for each Database Explorer object group

New "Favorite Folders" feature within the Property Bar, to store common folder locations

New "Launch File Explorer" button within the Property Bar

New "Show in Group" button within the Property Bar for easier sorting of objects

New "Launch" option added to the Group Bar for Command Files

New "Show/Hide Grid Lines" button within the Property Bar

Added "Load/Unload" options added to the Group Bar for Forms, Reports, and Labels

Added "Compress/Uncompress" options added to the Group Bar for Forms

Added "Change Form(s) Theme" option added to the Group Bar for Forms

Added file "Properties" option for External Forms, Applications, and Command Files

Enhanced feedback display when copying a database greater than 10MB

Enhanced feedback display when copying a table with greater than 25,000 records

Added "Temporary Table/View" check box option when copying a table or view

New setting to add a WHERE Clause, change the browse mode, and use an MDI window when opening any table/view

The "Current Folder" displayed will act as an active link to launch the folder


Database Explorer features added within versions 7.x, Turbo V-8:


Moveable Splitter Bar to Adjust Panels to Your Preference

Single-Click Column Header Sorting

One Screen Viewing of all Pertinent Table Information

4 Viewing Modes including: Large Icons; Small Icons; List; and Details

Right-Click Speed-Menu options for Performing Common Tasks

Disconnect option for the Currently Connected Database

Stored Procedures Pane for making Stored Procedure Manipulation Easy

Current Folder Browser to Change Directories with Ease

Status Bar Displays System Information

Recent Connection History for Quick Maneuvering