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2D Barcode

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The 2D Barcode control places a two-dimensional bar code object with a static value on the report. See Understanding 2D Barcodes.


Context Menu (right click) Options


Align - Displays the Alignment dialog for adjusting the horizontal and vertical alignment of the selected objects

Size - Displays the Size dialog for adjusting the height and width of the selected objects

Font - Displays the Font dialog for the font style, size and color of the object

Left Justify - Text is left justified

Center - Text is center justified

Right Justify - Text is right justified

Component ID - Unique identifier used when passing PROPERTY/GETPROPERTY parameters in statements calling the report

Bring To Front - Places the currently selected object on the foreground of layered objects

Bring Forward - Moves the currently selected object forward one layer at a time

Send To Back - Places the currently selected object in the background of layered objects

Send Backward - Moves the currently selected object backward one layer at a time

Add to Scrapbook - Places the currently selected object in the Report Scrapbook

Auto Scale - When this property is True, the barcode will calculate the size of the barcode based on the pixels per millimeter of the device that the barcode is being painted on. If the scaling of the control needs be done manually, setting Auto Scale to False and either specifying Bar Height and Bar Width or Horizontal Pixels Per MM and Vertical Pixels Per MM.

Barcode Type - choose Aztec Code, DataMatrix, MaxiCode, PDF417, or QR Code as available 2D Barcodes.

Bar Height - The integer value for the height of each row within the symbol (Y dimension).

Bar Width - The integer value for the width of the narrowest bar in a printed codeword (X dimension).

Carrier Country Code - Sets the country code to be used in mode 2 and mode 3 MaxiCode barcodes.

Carrier Postal Code - Sets the postal code to be used in mode 2 and mode 3 MaxiCode barcodes. Postal code can either be nine numeric digits or six alphanumeric characters.

Carrier Service Class - Sets the service class used in mode 2 and mode 3 MaxiCode barcodes. The service class is a three digit numeric value that is determined by the carrier.

Lock Control - Locks the selected control(s) to prevent any accidental changes

Lock Size - Locks the selected control(s) to specifically prevent accidental size changes

Data Matrix Encode Type - Specifies the encoding type used to encode a Data Matrix barcode. The Data Matrix object supports seven encoding types. Use the Auto setting to allow the component to choose which encoding(s) are best for the data assigned. The table below lists each encoding type and a brief description.

oASCII - ASCII characters ranging from 0-255.

oC40 - Alpha-numeric characters similar to Text encoding. Using this encoding may result in a smaller matrix if upper case lettering is frequently used in the data string.

oText - Alpha-numeric characters similar to C40 encoding. Using this encoding may result in a smaller matrix if lower case lettering is frequently used in the data string.

oX12 - Alpha-numeric encoding consisting of upper case (A-Z) letters and digits (0-9) only.

oEDIFACT - Specialized encoding supporting alpha-numeric characters consisting of digits and upper case letters. Also included are punctuation marks in the ASCII code range #32-#63. This encoding is rarely used and usually requires specialized scanning equipment.

oBinary - Supports all 8-bit byte values (0-255). This encoding is best used for binary data, multi-byte character sets, and graphics.

oASCII Manual - Manual ASCII encoding. This option provides no auto encoding of ASCII characters and inserts the raw DataMatrix codewords into the resulting barcode. Use this option for special requirements such as GS1 DataMatrix.

Data Matrix Is A Square - Forces the Data Matrix barcode to be rendered as a square. Traditionally all Data Matrix barcodes were rendered as squares. Currently, with the introduction of the ECC200 error correction method which uses the Reed-Solomon algorithm, it is possible to create and scan valid rectangular Data Matrix barcodes to save space. If a square is still preferred, setting this property to True will force the barcode to be drawn as a square to retain the traditional look and feel of a Data Matrix barcode.

ECC Level - Specifies the PDF417 Error Correction & Levels. This error correction allows the symbol to endure some damage without causing loss of data.

Extended Syntax - Determines whether the extended syntax is used in the bar code data. When extended syntax is disabled, the data is encoded directly without special interpretation of symbols. When Extended Syntax is True, the backslash character '\' is used to signal a special sequence. The meanings of the escaped sequences vary by barcode type.

Horizontal Pixels per MM - Sets the horizontal pixels per millimeter. If Auto Scale is False and Bar Width is not zero, this value will be used to specify the width of a single hexagonal element in pixels. If Auto Scale is False and Bar Width is zero, this value will be used to determine the size of the barcode.

Mode - Specifies the MaxiCode error correction level and type of data encoded in the barcode

Module Size - Specifies the size of each Data Matrix module in barcode units pixels. Use this property to increase or decrease the size of the barcode. A Data Matrix consists of black modules (square dots) arranged in a square or rectangular pattern. When scanned, each module is converted to a binary number, then decoded. This property defines the width and height of each square module in barcode units.

Number of Columns - Specifies the number of columns

Number or Rows - Specifies the number of rows

Orientation - Specifies the physical position and direction of the control

Position - Opens the Position dialog window for specifying hard-coded coordinates

Print Human Readable - This property allows you to set whether the component will output the human readable version of the bar code (e.g. the actual letters or numbers).

Quiet Zone - Sets a value that determines whether to include quiet zones. The PDF417 barcode shall include a quiet zone on all four sides.

Relative Bar Height - Determines whether to automatically adjust bar height to the size of the control. When this value is True, the bar height is calculated based on the available area in the control.

Truncated - Determines whether the truncated PDF417 mode is used. A truncated PDF417 reduces the amount of space required for the barcode by removing the right hand indicators and by reducing the stop pattern to a single bar. It should be used in situations where the label is unlikely to be damaged.

Vertical Pixels per MM - Sets the vertical pixels per millimeter. If Auto Scale is False and Bar Height is not zero, this value will be used to specify the width of a single hexagonal element in pixels. If Auto Scale is False and Bar Height is zero, this value will be used to determine the size of the barcode.

Visible - The Visible property determines whether a report component will be printed

Help - Launches the Help file chapter for the specific control
