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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Card View > Rows > Properties

Currency Edit

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ð Properties

Alignment(H, V)

Specifies the horizontal and vertical justification of the data

Decimal Places

Specifies the number of decimal places

Display Format

Specifies the manner in which the value is formatted when not focused (Example: $,0.00;-$,0.00)

Input Format Mask

Specifies keystroke restrictions and formatting for data entry actions. Use the provided button for example formats. For more information, see Using Format Masks in Forms.

Minimum Value

Specifies the minimum numeric value an editor can display

Maximum Value

Specifies the maximum numeric value an editor can display

Auto Select

Specifies the data within the field will be selected, when the focus lands on it

Use NULL String

Specifies whether the custom NULL String text will be displayed if value is empty

NULL String

Specifies the display text for the NULL value

Use Thousand Separator

Specifies whether thousand separators are displayed when the field has focus

Use Display Format When Editing

Specifies if the display mode format is used for value formatting in edit mode

Use Left Alignment On Editing

Specifies whether to align text to the left in edit mode

