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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > R:BASE Editor

Hot Keys

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The following hot keys are supported while in the R:BASE Editor:





Go to Line Number


Displays a pop up of command and function templates


Displays text attributes for the Syntax Scheme in use


Find Next


Delete Line


Insert Line


Displays the Command Builder with command and function templates


Run Selected Code


Run File


Goto Bookmark n (n = 0-9)


Select All



[Ctrl+F] or [Shift+F8]



Indent Block


Create New File


Open File


Print File


Save File


Outdent Block






Run R:Style




Launches R:Style Setup configuration (global)


Inserts code, based upon the Code Template name


Launches R:Style Setup configuration (local)



Next Tab



Previous Tab


Copy Command (without continuation characters)


Toggle Bookmark (n = 0-9)


Launches the Code Templates Editor


Trace File

[Ctrl+Up Arrow]

Scroll Up

[Ctrl+Down Arrow]

Scroll Down


Launches the R:BASE Editor Help


Find and Replace


Command/Function Sensitive Help


* Use the [Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C] key combination to copy the highlighted command to windows clipboard. If the copied command wraps over multiple lines with continuation characters, the pluses "+" will be removed at the end of each line. This allows users to easily paste [Ctrl+V] the command at the R> Prompt to execute and test the command. This is different than the regular copy command which will not remove the "+" at the end of each line when pasted at the R> Prompt.


Display and Navigation:



Main R:BASE Help


Data Dictionary


Help Index


Closes an R:BASE module window


R:BASE Editor


Database Explorer


R> Prompt


Watch Variables


Scratch Pad


Magnifying Glass

[Ctrl+Tab] or [Ctrl+F6]

Next window for R:BASE module


Previous window for R:BASE module


Help File for current R:BASE module


Tile Windows


Cascade Windows


Help Search