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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Vertical Grid > Rows > Data Rows > Properties

Text Edit

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ð Properties

Alignment (H, V)

Specifies the horizontal and vertical justification of the data

Echo Mode

Specifies the manner in which editor text is displayed, as normal characters or as a password, with characters displayed in the place of the typed characters (e.g. *****)

Password Character

Specifies the character to display in place of the actual characters typed, when Echo Mode is set to Password

Character Case

Specifies a case for text characters with the options Normal, Upper Case, and Lower Case

Auto Select

Specifies the data within the field will be selected, when the focus lands on it

Hide Selection

Specifies if selected text within the control remains "highlighted" when focus is moved to another control

