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Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Additional Controls > Tile Menu > Items > Static Items


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Specifies the group the tile is assigned to

Tile ID

Specifies a unique identifier for the tile


Specifies the tile size

Small - a small tile item is about half the size of a regular item

Regular - a regular tile item whose height and width is defined by the Item (Height, Width) properties, and is common to all tile items

Large - specifies an item which is twice as wide as a regular tile item

Extra Large - specifies a large item that occupies two rows

Row Count

Specifies the number of rows that the tile item occupies


Specifies the tile's accessibility to end-users


Specifies if the tile is displayed


ð Animation

Animate Text

Specifies if text blocks in a tile are animated along with its background and glyph when showing this tile

Animation Interval

Specifies the animation delay (in milliseconds) for the item's tile frames and mosaics

Animation Mode

Specifies the animation transition effect for tile frames


ð Detail Options

Show Tab

Controls the visibility of a tab displayed in a tile menu's title for the current detail page. Specify tab captions to let end-users identify specific detail pages and navigate to them with tab clicks or taps. The default value of the Show Tab property is False.

Stretch Detail Control

Specifies whether the detail control area uses the same horizontal and vertical margins of the Tile Menu, where the tiles are laid out. When this property is checked, the margins of the detail area are set to zero.


Specifies the caption of a tab displayed in a tile menu's title for a detail page. This property is in effect only if you set the Show Tab property to True. Note: If the Caption property is assigned an empty string, then the text of one of four text blocks of a tile item (searched from the first to the fourth) is used as the tab caption. If none of the text blocks is specified, the tile item's component name is used instead.

Detail Control

Associates a control to be displayed by a detail page on tile activation. Use this property to associate a tile item with a detail control. Activating the tile item using either a click or tap will display the associated detail control in a detail page. For best results, use an Enhanced Panel. Store the panel within the Tab Page of an Enhanced Tab Control for easier storage.

