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Tile groups and tiles are the Tile Menu's primary elements. The Tile Menu consists of groups, which contain one or more tiles. These groups and tiles are arranged according to the Tile Menu's setting within this tab.


Tile and Group Interactions

Normally, tile items act as buttons. They can be hot-tracked, focused, and activated either by mouse clicks or via the keyboard (using the arrow and Enter keys). Activating a tile fires its "On Activate Detail" EEP to perform custom actions and/or initialize the detail control associated with the tile.


Tile items can be moved within and between tile groups using drag and drop provided that the Tile Menu's Item Moving property is set to True. A new group is created automatically if a tile item is dropped between existing groups. Similarly, you can allow entire groups to be re-arranged within the control via the Tile Menu's Group Moving property. A group can be moved by clicking/tapping within the empty area of this group. All of these arrangement capabilities are available at design and runtime.


Tile Selection with Check Marks

The Tile Control supports selecting multiple tiles using right-clicks or swipe down gestures. Each selected tile is emphasized with a frame and a check mark displayed in the tile’s top-right corner. That is why these tiles are also called checked.


If at least one tile is checked (selected), the Tile Menu control can displays an Action Bar with customized action bar items. You can implement a context-sensitive behavior to dynamically switch the visibility of action bar items that are specific to the current tile selection, via the Tile Control’s On Item Check EEP.


Static and Dynamic Items (Tiles)

Static items consist of groups and tiles for the Tile Menu control whose properties will not change at runtime. Dynamic items consist of group and tile properties which can be mapped to a dataset. The tile properties are mapped to defined table and column names, whose values are dynamically displayed and refreshed at runtime.



As it can be cumbersome (using a table) to set the many available properties of dynamic tiles, template support was introduced, where static properties of the Tile Menu control Group, Tile, and Frame can be created with customized color, style, font, etc. formats, to serve as a pattern. For Dynamic Tiles, a Group/Static Tile may serve as a template. For Dynamic Frames, a Static Frame may serve as a template. Within the "dynamic" property settings, a menu option is available to select a defined template. The group/tile/frame used as a template will not be displayed at runtime, only the dynamic objects will appear with the customized template properties.


On Tile Click EEP

All Dynamic Tile items share the same On Tile Click EEP. Within the EEP, the clicked tile is identified with the GETPROPERTY command syntax as follows:




The value of CLICKEDTILEID is the value of the Tile ID field.


The following is an example "On Tile Click" EEP for dynamic tiles based upon the Contacts table.