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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Database Controls > DB Vertical Grid > Rows > Multi-Editor Rows


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ð Properties

Separator String

Specifies the string used as the row header separator. The row header separator divides row headers into sections for each item. Use this property to set any character as the separator. The Separator String is applied if the value of the "Separator Kind" property is "String".

Separator Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical alignment of the row header separator. The row header separator divides row header into sections for each item. This property is applied if the value of the "Separator Kind" property is "String".

Top - Align the separator to the top in the header

Bottom - Align the separator to the bottom in the header

Center - Center the separator in the header

Separator Kind

Specifies the row header separator type (Vertical Line, String). The row header separator divides row header into sections for each item. When the value is "Vertical Line", the separator is a vertical line. If the value of the "Separator Kind" property is "String", the separator is any character that is assigned to the "Separator String" property.


Specifies if all items of the multi-editor row will be resized when the user drags the right edge of the band. When working in a Bands View layout, the user can resize (if the value of Band Sizing is checked/true) the band's width within the grid control client area by dragging the right edge of the band. When "Fixed" is checked/true, only the right most item in the multi-editor row will be resized. Otherwise resizing will affect all the items in the multi-editor row. When Auto Scale Bands checked/true, the band fills the width of the control client area and band resizing is unavailable.


ð Editors


Adds a new multi-editor row item


Edits the currently selected multi-editor row item


Deletes the currently selected multi-editor row item


The display sequence can be reordered by selecting the green up and down arrow buttons.
