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R:BASE 11 Help

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Run a Form

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When running a form, R:BASE provides options for you to either enter, edit, or browse database information. These three different "run mode" options are presented to you when you run a form from the Database Explorer, or from the R:BASE main toolbar.


From the main toolbar buttons, R:BASE will display the form name, table, and comment for every form in the open database, when no form is selected/highlighted in the Database Explorer.





When running a form from the Database Explorer, R:BASE will display the form name, comment, and table.




The R:BASE form "Enter" run mode is equivalent to using the ENTER command. The R:BASE form "Edit" run mode is equivalent to using the EDIT USING command. The R:BASE form "Browse" run mode is equivalent to using the BROWSE USING command. The R:BASE utility that allows users to run (use) R:BASE forms is called Forms Runtime.


The "MDI" check box is available when running the form, where the form will be displayed in a modeless window, so the form can be left open while work continues elsewhere. The "MDI" check box status may be controlled with the MDI setting. The "Update Command History" check box will place the syntax used to run the form within the R> Prompt Command History tool bar, for easy reference at a later time. The "Update Command History" check box status may be controlled with the CMDHIST setting.


A WHERE Clause can be added within this window to limit the records displayed in the form when it is launched. Otherwise, the form will load with all of the available records for the table that the form is based upon. To assist you in building a WHERE Clause, select the WHERE Builder button. The WHERE Builder interface is equivalent to using the WHERE Clause. The WHERE History is available to keep track of and reuse WHERE Clause statements. Click the "WHERE History" button, or press the [F5] key, to open the WHERE History. The history is tied to the database name and form name.

