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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Forms > Form Designer > Form Controls > Additional Controls > Tile Menu > Items > Static Items > Frames > Static Frames


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ð Style

Border Color

Specifies the tile border color

Gradient Style

Specifies the gradient fill type for the tile's background; Horizontal, Vertical, Forward Diagonal, Backward Diagonal

Gradient Color Start

Specifies the start color of a gradient fill or the fill color for a solid filling used for the tile's background

Gradient Color End

Specifies the end color of a gradient fill used for the tile's background


Specifies the font style, size, and color for the tile


Specifies a texture glyph to display for the tile, which can be loaded, deleted, and previewed


Specifies how an image specified by the Texture property fills the a tile's background; Stretch, Tile, No Resize

Parent Style

Specifies if the tile's parent provides style settings for the tile. This property is only in effect for tile frames and share the same style settings between all frames of a tile item. If the property is set to True, the tile frame is painted using style settings of its parent tile item.

Animate Text

Specifies if text blocks in a tile are animated along with its background and glyph


Specifies if the frame is displayed


ð Glyph


Specifies the position of the glyph image

Align With Text 1

Specifies if the image is linked to a tile frame's first text block (Text 1) and how they align with each other. Once the image and text block are linked, they are considered a single element. After this, the image's Align, Indent (H, V) properties are applied to the entire element.

None - the image and text block are not linked (Default)

Left - the image is linked to the left edge of the text block

Top - the image is linked to the top edge of the text block

Right - the image is linked to the right edge of the text block

Bottom - the image is linked to the bottom edge of the text block

Indent (H, V)

Specifies the space (in pixels) between the left or right edge of a tile, and the space between the top or bottom edge of a tile, both depending on the currently applied alignment


Specifies a glyph image to display for the tile frame, which can be loaded, deleted, and previewed


Specifies how the image is sized to fit into the tile frame area; Normal, Stretch, Proportional Stretch, Fit, Fill

Max Render Size (W, H)

Specifies the maximum image dimension in the frame's glyph. Note the max settings are only interpreted when Mode is Stretch, Proportional Stretch, or Fit. The maximum dimension restriction can be disabled by setting the values to zero.

