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R:BASE 11 Help

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What's New in R:BASE 11

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The following Version 11 features compliment several or all areas of the R:BASE development environment:


Updated GUI for latest operating systems


Enhanced NOTE data type to hold up to 10,000 characters


New Database Comments (stored as notes within file 1), which are available for review at the Database Explorer, Data Dictionary, and Databases Properties





New database stored static variables, which are automatically defined when the database is connected





Enhanced Color Editor dialog for background/foreground colors, object properties, and in other areas were a color may be selected





Enhanced Font dialog for designers, with font type preview and color customization





Enhanced R:Calculator plugin with history (persisted between sessions)






New CMDHIST setting to control the "Update Command History" check box, when running forms and printing reports/labels from the Database Explorer. When enabled, the "Update Command History" check box will place the syntax used within the R> Prompt Command History tool bar, for easy reference at a later time.




New TJOURNAL setting to optionally generate a transaction processing journal file to track database changes associated with each COMMIT or ROLLBACK.


Added "Defaults" button for the R:BASE Startup Options




Enhanced Data Dictionary utility


oPreferred Tabs Location - places the tab at the desired top, bottom, left, or right edge

oLinked Tables/Columns - when a table is selected in the Tables tab, it is preselected when viewing the Columns tab (for SYSTEM TABLES also)

oSpace Separated Values - includes a space directly after the comma, so that after a string of values are added to a command file, the [Ctrl+Arrow] keys can be used to move the cursor between values with greater ease

oPrioritize Tab Order - reorganize the tab stacking order with drag-and-drop

oMDI Support - the utility recognizes the MDI setting, and will remain open while other areas of R:BASE are used

oContent Refresh - when focus is switched back to the Data Dictionary, the content will automatically refresh (only in MDI mode)

oColor Value Conversions - provides a "Color Tool" mechanism to convert RGB colors to numbers

oTab Navigation - the [Ctrl+Page Down] and [Ctrl+Page Up] hot keys allow the next/previous tab navigation

oColor Identifiers - the tabs are organized with distinctive color identifiers (triangle in top right corner) to improve the readability for the several different types of information presented

oTheme Preview - the Themes tab includes a preview button to review the theme presentation





Enhanced Find in Files utility supporting multiple folder searches (including multiple drive letters)





Added ability to capture the Find in Files utility search results, where the file names can be copied, and also the file names, date/time modified value, and file size


Enhanced Database Versions utility supporting multiple folder searches (including multiple drive letters)  





Enhanced Database Versions utility display with results matching the Hidden File and/or Hidden Folder criterion


Added ability to switch between Delphi or HTML RGB Hex notation for Custom Colors. The default is Delphi notation. In Delphi mode, the Color Editor will appear as "$ [.....]" in the bottom right corner. In HTML mode, the Color Editor will appear as "# [.....]". The [F6] key will switch the hex entry text box between Delphi style RGB ($) and HTML style RGB (#).





Added sorted column background color within the Data Dictionary, to match the logic in the Database Explorer


Enhanced BLOB Editor where the file being edited is displayed in the title bar. The editor also supports the standard keyboard shortcut [Ctrl+Z] to undo a change. The BLOB Editor was also added to the "Tools" main menu bar options.





Added Data Dictionary incremental search when pressing the forward slash key [/] to display the Find dialog, where typing into the entry box will automatically locate matches on a per character basis. Note this behavior only works with the list view displays when [/] is pressed, and not when [Ctrl+N] is pressed.