Allowing for manageable data review and modification, the following features have been enhanced within the R:BASE 11 Data Browser:
•Enhanced Update Query utility with a Query History to retain table queries
•Added .xlsx file extension option for exports to Spreadsheets, similar to what is currently offered for Workbooks
•Added "Enforce MDI Mode" setting to specify that the Data Browser is opened in MDI mode by default, even if the MDI parameter is omitted from the EDIT or BROWSE command, or the MDI setting is OFF. Enforcing MDI mode in the Data Browser may also be controlled with the PROPERTY command, to turn the feature ON/OFF in code.
•New Find Panel may be enabled to provide fast record filtering in Tree Grid mode. The most recently used searches are retained in the Find Panel drop-down. The Find Panel may also be toggled with the [Ctrl+Shift+F] keys.
•Enhanced selection highlighting in View as Grid mode where the entire row is highlighted
Data Browser features added within R:BASE X.5 (Version 10.5):
•New Tree Grid support in the Data Browser, enabling an extremely powerful data viewing and manipulation inside applications including:
•Data Browser Settings allows review of saved layouts with their attributes, and to delete those known to be obsolete. Double clicking a layout in the Data Browser setting will execute the query so users can see the layout in the Data Browser.
•New smart Layout handling in the Data Browser where layouts are preserved if only the WHERE Clause is modified. Saving/Updating the layout will overwrite a currently saved layout but the most recent query will be used.
•Added right-click Filter option to minimize the Data Browser results "using" or "excluding" the selected value in a selected cell
•Added "Export Results As" list includes an R:BASE option, with a submenu to choose between Data, and Data with Structure
•Added option to select the Default View (Grid, Row, or Tree Grid) in the Data Browser Settings
•Enhanced status bar to display the character count for NOTE data types, when a character count is defined
•Added workbook export generation control sub-menu option within Export Results to > MS Excel Workbook
•The Data Browser Layouts have been enhanced to apply display formats to numeric, date, and time values.
•Added "Column Descriptions in Row View" menu option, under Layout, to display the column comments from the table definition (when present) to the right of the data
•Added "Show VarChar Preview" setting to specify whether VarChar data is displayed in the Data Browser as an icon or as raw rich text characters. The icon display is the new default.
•Improved confirmation with the "Delete All Rows" menu option, where the word "delete" must be entered in order to continue
•New "Blank if NULL" Data Browser setting for exports performed at the table level to assign NULL values as a blank
•New RBTI_EXPORT_FOLDER system variable to define a default folder location for Data Browser exports. The RBTI_EXPORT_FOLDER system variable can be declared to define a valid folder path where the "Data Browser Export" dialog will initially start. If the variable does not exist or contains a non-valid folder path, all export dialogs will launch within the current folder.
•Independent NOTE and Image hint Layout toolbar options for BLOB data. It is now possible to enable image hints without the NOTE hints, as the NOTE hints can be disruptive.
Data Browser features added within R:BASE X (Version 10.0):
•New Update Query menu option [Ctrl+Q] allowing users to modify the existing query and use the WHERE builder
•Added display of column comment descriptions and expressions within the status bar
•Support for Fractional Seconds (HH:MM:SS.SSS) for TIME and DATETIME data types
•Added Page Setup menu option to alter the "Print Data" output
•Enhanced confirmation when performing a "Replace All Column Values …" update on table records. The new dialog offers examples of the data replacement.
•Enhanced expansion of column widths for large CURRENCY data
•Added support to expand NOTE data type columns to its full size when double-clicking its right header-border
•Added setting to include the SQL statement with output printed from the Data Browser
•New EEP support in the Data Browser/Editor through the BROWSE and EDIT commands to launch a command file when a cell is clicked or double-clicked
•Added feature through the BROWSE and EDIT commands to capture the the column name and cell value into variables, when clicking on the cell
Data Browser features added within versions eXtreme 9.0, 9.1, and 9.5:
•Enhanced NOTE/VARCHAR/BLOB display with the integrated R:BASE BLOB Editor
•Enhanced layout functionality to save the column order
•Additional "Duplicate Row" option [Ctrl+F2] added
•Ability to preview images as a hints when the cursor hovers over the table cell
•New "Save Layout" button
•New Dockable Toolbars
•Support for AutoScroll to easily scroll up and down table data
•Additional right click speed menu "Calculate" option for Compute,Tally, and Duplicates
•Hot key support to display the "Select Column(s) for Sort" dialog has been added using [Ctrl+D]. To clear the sort, use the hot keys [Ctrl+Shift+D].
Data Browser features added within versions 7.x, Turbo V-8:
•Ability to display the full text as a Hint when you "mouse over" NOTE columns
•Search feature for finding values in a column
•Single-click column header sorting; ascending and descending
•"Zebra Stripe" highlighting for easier viewing
•Save/Cancel options for data changes
•Available navigator buttons for scrolling row-by-row for jump to the first/last record
•"View as Grid" (horizontal) and "View as Row" (vertical) appearance options
•Additional "Current Column/Select Column" compute options
•Calculate "Duplicates" menu option