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R:BASE 11 Help

Navigation: How To (Forms, Reports, and more) > Data Browsing/Editing > Browse/Edit a Table or View

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Connect... - prompts to connect to a database

Disconnect - disconnects from the currently connected database

Connection history - provides a history of previously connected databases

Exit R:BASE - exits R:BASE




Cut - cuts the currently selected text

Copy - copies the currently selected text

Paste - pastes the currently cut or copied text

Insert Row - inserts a new row into the table (only in Edit mode)

Duplicate Row - duplicates the current row in the table (only in Edit mode)

Edit Mode - toggles between Edit and Browse mode

Delete Row - deletes the current row (only in Edit mode)

Delete Value - deletes the current field value (only in Edit mode)

Replace All Column Values... - replaces all values in the current column with the value you enter in the presented dialog (only in Edit mode)

Delete All Rows - deletes all the rows in the table (only in Edit mode)

Page Setup... - opens the Page Setup dialog for changing page specific settings

Print Data... - sends the data results directly to the printer

Export Results to - exports the current data set to the specified format preserving column positions, sorting and other user customized settings

Save Result As - saves the current data set to a Table, Temporary Table, View, or Temporary View

Search... - searches the current column for a specific string

Search Again - resumes the search from the current column position based on the last specified string

Update Query - modifies the displayed data set




Sort - sorts column(s) in the table in either ascending or descending order

Clear Sort - clears all column sorting in place




Compute... - computes statistical data such as Count, Rows, Minimum, Maximum, Sum, Average, Standard Deviation and Variance for a column's values

Tally... - tallies the number of occurrences for each unique column value

Group... - groups unique column values

Crosstab... - creates a crosstab output of the table columns

Aggregate... - displays the Count, Rows, Minimum, Maximum, Sum, Average, Standard Deviation or Variance of the column values in the column header

Duplicates... - calculates the number of duplicate occurrences for the column




Move to Column... - moves the cursor position to the chosen column

Hide Column... - removes the chosen column(s) from view

Show Column... - restores the chosen hidden column(s) to view

Lock Columns... - locks the number of columns chosen, so they cannot be edited, on the left side of the screen.

Column Descriptions in Row View - displays the column comments from the table definition (when present) to the right of the data, when the Row View mode is specified

Save Layout - saves the current table layout for a particular user so when they return to the table, the layout remains customized

Change Column Background Color... - changes the background color of the current column

Change Column Font... - changes the font properties of the current column

Change Cell Size... - changes the cell width of the current column and the cell height of all columns

Draw Zebra Stripe - creates an alternating stripe effect to the data grid for easier viewing

Show NOTE/BLOB Hint - allows for NOTE or BLOB data to be displayed as a hint

Show Image Hint - allows for image data to be displayed as an image hint




Add/Remove Watch Variables - presents the Watch Variable dialog for you to select variable values to monitor

Show/Hide Watch Variable List - toggles the display of the Watch Variable List, which remains visible during processing

Data Dictionary - displays the Data Dictionary for finding database information

Scratch Pad - displays a scratch pad window to hold any text that is frequently used or wanted to use as a reference during development

R> Prompt... - opens the R> Prompt window

Database Explorer - opens the Database Explorer

R:BASE Editor - opens the R:BASE text editor

Browse/Edit Table - presents the Data Browser for viewing data within a table or view

Query by Example... - opens the Query Builder to query table data

File Explorer - opens the Windows Explorer for navigating to and opening files

Launch... - launches a file based on its existing file association

Database Connections - displays the current number of connections to the database, with the option to reset the user count




Startup Options... - customizes how R:BASE starts

Database Explorer - changes the appearance and behavior of the Database Explorer

R:BASE Editor... - customizes the R:BASE Editor

R> Prompt... - change the appearance of the R> Prompt

Data Browser... - change the font and colors within the Data Browser

Data Designer

Relational Verification - verifies the table's relation integrity. If checked, the relational verification of data type for matching column name will be validated while in the Data Designer, not when the table is saved. The default is set to OFF. If unchecked, the relational verification will be performed when saving the table.

Warn When in Multi-User Environment - displays a warning when the Data Designer is launched and other users are connected to the database

Column Name Template - provides a default value when adding new columns to tables

Form Designer... - customizes the Form Designer Default Settings

Report/Label Designer - customizes the Report/Label Designers Default Settings, as well as the Report Email Settings

Application Designer - Create Backup Copy - creates a backup copy of an R:BASE application file (.rba), using the .rb~ file extension

BLOB Editor... - alters the BLOB Editor default settings

Hint Settings... - set the default settings for all pop up hints

Walkmenu Time Interval... - sets the WALKMENU time interval for keystrokes

Default Printer Font... - provides the default font for printing

ROSK Settings... - provides settings for the R:BASE On-Screen Keyboard

Input Language... - specifies the keyboard input language

Custom Colors - allows users to save and load custom colors from one development computer to another

Registry Settings - allows users to save and load custom R:BASE environment settings from one development computer to another

Warn When Closing R:BASE Session - displays a warning when closing the R:BASE session

Show Check Box to Suppress Error Messages - places a check box in all error message windows allowing you to suppress the error message(s). After selecting to suppress the error messages, you will not see any error messages within the entire R:BASE environment. In order for error messages to be displayed again, you must restart R:BASE or issue the "SET ERROR MESSAGES ON" command.

Clean Scratch Files on Exit - deletes any remaining temporary scratch files (.$$$) after R:BASE closes

Show Comments in Table/Field List - displays comments/descriptions with property editors and table listing dialogs

Configuration Settings... - alters the settings stored in the R:BASE configuration file




Integrity Check - performs an integrity check for the connected database, using AUTOCHK

Reload... - reloads and builds the database to a new name, using RELOAD

Pack in Place - recovers unused disk space for the schema, keys, or all within the database, using PACK

Pack Passwords - recovers unused disk space for the system passwords, using PACK

Pack Index - recovers unused disk space for database indexes, using PACK

R:Backup - launches the R:Backup database backup utility

XML To Data Packet - prepares a data packet file from an XML file, by selecting the node containing the data/rows, for importing into R:BASE

Connect SQL Data Source... - connects to an ODBC data sources via a DSN

Disconnect SQL Data Source... - disconnect any currently connected SQL Data Source

Attach SQL Database Tables - attaches tables from currently connected SQL Data Sources

Detach SQL Database Tables - detaches tables from currently connected SQL Data Sources

Convert Extended ASCII In Objects To UTF-8... - converts database and application projects that use extended ASCII characters

Take a Snapshot - takes a screen shot of the R:BASE window or current screen to paste into another program

Set Working Directory... - sets the current working directory

Plugins - displays the installed R:BASE Plugin modules

Map Network Drive... - maps a network drive

Disconnect Network Drive... - disconnects a currently connected network drive

Add Printer... - presents the Windows "Add Printer" dialog for adding a new printer

Find in Files... - opens the built-in Find in Files search utility for finding text within files

Database Versions... - scans the provided folder for databases, and lists the file, path, and version information

Run... - prompts for the location and file name of the program you want to run

Magnifying Glass - displays a Magnifying Glass lens that produces a zoomed display of the R:BASE environment

On-Screen Keyboard - displays the R:BASE On-Screen Keyboard (ROSK)

Set User ID and Password - prompts to enter a user identifier and password

User Privileges... - displays options to grant and revoke privileges to users




Cascade - cascades the current window group

Tile Horizontal - horizontally tiles the current window group

Tile Vertical - vertically tiles the current window group

Minimize All - minimizes the current window group

MDI Windows - displays the list of opened MDI windows




Table of Contents - displays the R:BASE in-line help documentation

Help Index - provides an index keyword search of the help

Help Search - provides a word search of the help

R:BASE Tutorial - opens the R:BASE Tutorial

R:BASE Home Page - opens the R:BASE Technologies, Inc. home page

Product Registration... - opens the product registration web page

Product Activation - displays specific software information, such as registration number, seat count, license key, and activation key

Check for Updates - opens the product updates web page

R:DCC Client - opens the online database for users to submit and track reported bugs and enhancements requests for R:BASE

Show License - displays the R:BASE license agreement

File Versions... - displays a list of files that are opened by R:BASE, including operating system dynamic link libraries and R:BASE plugins

About R:BASE - displays the R:BASE version and build