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The R:BASE 11 Form Designer has been enhanced to provide more powerful data-driven form controls for increased productivity!


Enhanced lasso frame for highlighting and selecting multiple objects easier





Added ability to assign an EEP or command file to an Enhanced DB Navigator button





Enhanced display of variable values within property editors and other areas for variable based controls, to help differentiate between variables





Improved Tab Order settings window in tabular format





New Enhanced DB Navigator "Image Style" sets (Flat Gray, Flat Blue, Cute, Office, and Infographic) for use with new operating systems





Added right click menu on the Tab Order listed items to allow quick editing of attributes or to show the property editor





Added ability to roll back unwanted changes to variable definitions (one variable at a time) in the Expression Builder





New Default Form Settings tab to assign the default panes for Status Bar controls





Enhanced Bit Button and Push Button objects with Flat Face and Flat Shadow properties, for improved display in forms with backgrounds using darker colors





Enhanced right click context menu for the Custom Form Actions, Static Text, Image, Drop-Down Menu Button, Tree View, Group Bar, List View, Split View, and Tile Menu objects to include the underlying Custom EEP options





Added "On Form Activate" and "On Form Deactivate" EEPs, which fire when the form receives focus, and when focus is moved to another form





Enhanced display for Pop-up Menus where zebra stripes can be enabled. The feature is supported the DB Edit, DB Memo, Variable Edit, Variable Memo, Enhanced DB Grid, DB Tree Grid, and DB Grid controls.





Added Hint Expressions to List View and List Box controls to display a hint for the current mouse hovered row, based on a lookup from another table. The List View controls include the List View, Variable Lookup List View, and DB Lookup List View. List Box controls include the Variable Lookup List Box, Variable User Defined List Box, DB Lookup List Box, and DB User Defined List Box.





Added "On Form Move" EEP, which fires when the form is moved





Added right click menu on the Tab Order child items to filter the results by Read Only, Tab Stop, Enabled, and Component ID values





Enhanced Existing tab of the Object List toolbar with a "Parented List" tab for the control hierarchy according to the tab order, with buttons to control the tab order of the selected control





Added Split View property to alter the separator line color





When using the Character Case property in form Edit/Memo controls, the Title Case option does not capitalize the second value in a hyphenated string. An application PROPERTY was implemented to alter the behavior of Title casing, where the first letter in the second value of a hyphenated string is made upper case. The default value is OFF.




Added "Show Check Box" setting to the Enhanced Group Box control, which specifies if the group box content is enabled/disabled. The check box appears on the control's border. The check box may be displayed/hidden, and also checked/unchecked in EEPs:








Added "Show Grid" property for the Enhanced Group Box to display a grid pattern on the box





Check box support implemented for the Tree View and DB Tree View controls, where a check box column is displayed at the far left of the list





Form Designer features added within R:BASE X.5 (Versions 10.5):


New DB Tree Grid control to display an expandable tree structure within a grid

New DB Task Tracker control to provide a table-driven task and scheduling module

New Split View control offering a collection of user interface command groups, containing a list of clickable items

New DB Tree List control providing a list of data organized into a tree structure to display table data

New DB Card View control which uses a card layout format to display table data

New DB Vertical Grid control that displays and edits table data in a new non-traditional method that can be considered as an inverted grid, as the data fields are represented as row headers, while the data records are represented as columns

New DB Gauge and Variable Gauge controls to graphically display table data

New DB Pivot Grid control is a grid element displaying table data which offers end-users the ability to adjust the display and evaluate the information

New Tile Menu control offering a tile (colored rectangles or squares) interface to create a collection of user interface command groups, containing a sliding menu list of clickable/touchable items.

New DB OrgChart control for the display and editing of hierarchical tree data structures from table data

New Layout Manager control to build a comprehensive layout on a form, and maintain a consistent layout structure

New DB Date and Time Edit and Variable Date and Time Edit controls to alter DATETIME and DATE values

New Scrapbook utility, which acts as repository for created and commonly used form objects

Enhanced right click menu option for DB and Variable controls to "require a value" before the form may be closed

Implemented global setting that affects all controls' Pop-up Menu location. To set the custom location execute the command in the startup code of an application.

Added table and column descriptions to field lists within property editors and table listing dialogs, to assist when placing database driven fields (Enhanced DB Grid, DB Combo Box, DB Edit, DB Image, etc.)

Enhanced alignment guides when moving/dragging objects, allowing for centering controls within a parent object

Added Sort option for DB Tree View controls to sort the nodes by the node text, or to assign no sorting

Added Insert/Overwrite keyboard status to the list of available keys for the Status Bar control

Adding Title Case character case option for DB Edit and DB Memo controls, along with and Variable Edit and Variable Memo controls

New Lock Size option where field settings for objects can be altered, but the size can be specifically preserved

Added "On Drag List Item" EEP for DB/Variable Lookup List View controls which will execute when an item is dragged within the list

Added Enhanced DB Grid setting to specify if the vertical scroll bar is displayed

New "Recreate Columns After Refresh" property for list view controls to specify if the columns are preserved after the control is refreshed

Enhanced Tab Order Settings with each listed control numbered with its current tab-order numeral

New Enhanced DB Grid progress bar properties for column types, allowing for a progress value to be hidden, displayed in different positions, and a color for the progress text

A new "Execute Node EEP On Tree View Click" property has been added to Tree View controls to specify the nodes EEP is fired when the Tree View is clicked. The behavior for the property is related to Tree Views where "Hide Selection" is unchecked, and the node highlighting appears to be incorrect when a form is launched in the foreground.

New GETPROPERTY parameter, GRIDHASROWS, to return if there are valid rows in an Enhanced DB Grid control

New PROPERTY APPLICATION parameter to specify the Internet Explorer version to emulate when displaying Web Browser controls in forms

Added "In Property Names" option for Control Property searches to locate text for the actual property (e. g. Read Only, AutoSize, Show Hint, etc.) in use for objects

Additional font size options added to the DOS form conversion utility to allow the converted objects to fit accordingly

Added "Single" option for the "Item Check Mode" property in Tile Menu controls, where one or zero tile items can be checked

New "Replace Column" right-click Column option for Enhanced DB Grid/DB Grid controls, where the substitute column retains all column-level custom settings

Added "Expand Direction" property for Collapse Panel controls for the panel to expand "up" for panels placed on the lower portion of a form

Added MAKECLICK property support to the Office Button, Push Button, Bit Button, Speed Button, Enhanced Speed Button, and Shape Button controls. The MAKECLICK property simulates a mouse click on the button.

New FILTEREDROWCOUNT parameter for the GETPROPERTY command to return the number of rows when an Enhanced DB Grid is filtered

New GETPROPERTY parameter for Enhanced DB Grid controls to return whether the grid has a filter applied

New PROPERTY parameter for Enhanced DB Grids to clear a filter applied to a grid

Support for dynamic font properties for the Tile Menu control tile captions

Enhanced form conversion to automatically replace double quotes with single quotes

Added PROPERTY command SCALEBY parameter to fill the screen when scaling forms, for easier implementation with mixed screen dimensions, themes, and borders

Enhanced field type and length details added to the Status Bar "Current Field" pane

Enhanced Form Wizard with increased field widths to preview the full value for long column names, and added Help button, where newly added chapter help is available for reference

New "Duplicate" tile and "Edit Custom EEP" buttons for the Tile Menu control, as time-saving features when tile items have many custom values and to directly modify the tile "On Click" EEP

New PNG image support for the Tree View and DB Tree View controls. The default PNG dimension is 24. When PNG images are specified, the bitmap based images are ignored.

Added "Highlight Text Color" property for the Split View control to specify the text color for menu item when highlighted, where the mouse cursor is hovered over the menu item

The Web Browser controls within the R:BASE Form Designer were updated with dynamic properties to allow manipulation of HTML controls in EEPs. The dynamic properties are useful in the following:

The tile properties for Tile Menu form controls may now be altered by the Tile ID value. The functionality allows for tiles to be manipulated with the PROPERTY and GETPROPERTY commands similar to Property ID values. The command below will disable the tile, assuming the Tile ID is equal to DBMaint.

Enhanced Variable Lookup List View to recognize a right-click on a row, to set the focus upon that row

Improved Enhanced DB Grid using Sequence Mode to fire the "On Drag Drop" EEP after a is row dragged and dropped and the sequence field is updated

Enhanced Tab Set control with two properties TabTo and AllowChange and an added "On Before Tab Change" EEP, which is triggered before the tab is changed. The changes make it possible for access to a tab to be prevented.

Added Popup Menu support for Tree View and DB Tree View controls, to offer a right-click popup menu to run procedures

Added On Mouse Over and On Mouse Leave EEPs to Form/External Form Properties, to execute when the mouse cursor enters/leaves the form area

Added On DateTime Cleared EEP to Date And Time Edit Control, which is triggered if the date is set to NULL

Added GETPROPERTY parameter to capture the field/column name where the focus is clicked for the column filter in Enhanced DB Grids

Added GETPROPERTY parameters to capture the current WHERE Clause and current sort for the Enhanced DB Grid. CURRENTWHERE will return the combination of the form-level WHERE Clause and grid-level filter. CURRENTSORT will return the current ORDER BY.

Added PROPERTY command parameters to specify the active view display in the DB Task Tracker scheduling area. Tasks can be viewed by day, week, weeks, year, Gantt, or time grid using the following:

Added PROPERTY command parameters to add a custom "Label" color and description to the DB Task Tracker. The color portion can be a named color, an integer, or an RGB value. The ADD_COLOR command should be executed at the start of the application as the custom colors/descriptions are not persistent between R:BASE sessions.

New PROPERTY command parameters implemented to change the predefined color/descriptions of an existing label; COLOR_DESC[n] and COLOR_VALUE[n]. COLOR_DESC[n] changes the predefined description of a label, where n is a zero-based index as displayed in the drop down. COLOR_VALUE[n] changes the predefined color of a label, where n is a zero-based index as displayed in the drop down. The color can be a named color, an integer, or an RGB value.

A new Hint property was added to the DB Task Tracker control. The property is assigned to a table field name, which holds the hint value when the mouse is over a task.

Added FILENAME property to the File List Box control that can be used to select a single file in a folder based upon knowing part of the file name

Enhanced CaptureFromVideoEx parameter for DB Image and Variable Image controls to specify a maximum height, along with the current image format and maximum width functionality. The ability to individually specify a maximum width or maximum height, or both, provides the ability to resize the image so that the final dimension fits inside the given dimension while preserving the aspect ratio. Depending on the specified value pair, sometimes the width will be the limiting factor, and sometimes it will be the height. If you wish to capture a PNG image with a maximum width and height of 100 pixels, use the following:

Added properties in DB Image and Variable Image controls to capture/set the active camera as well as capture/set the default resolution of the video feed.

New "Empty Date On Null Variable" property for the Enhanced Variable Calendar and Enhanced DB Calendar controls. If the property is True, instead of using NOW for NULL variables, the calendar will use zero as the date. The default value is False. The "Today's Date Frame" color should be set to Window (or whatever color is used for the calendar background) to improve user clarification.

Added "Low Resolution View Finder" property for DB/Variable Image controls to specify the camera capture functionality will use a low-resolution feed for the view finder, but still take a picture using the target resolution. The option makes the camera more responsive. Note that when this property is checked (True), there will be a slight pause in the view finder when the picture is taken. This is because the camera will reset to the target resolution and take the actual picture.

A new GETPROPERTY parameter has been implemented to verify if a photo was captured successfully with the DB Image or Variable Image controls. The property should be used after the using CaptureFromVideoEx. The returned value is True/False.

Added Orientation option for the Enhanced DB Navigator, to display the navigator vertical or horizontal

Enhanced Enhanced DB Navigator allowing custom images to be assigned to the navigator buttons

New PROPERTY parameter for DB Lookup List View and Variable Lookup List View controls which specifies to scroll the current selection into view

A new "Rules Validation on Focus Change" form setting has been implemented which determines the focus behavior when moving between form fields when a rules violation occurs. The option allows or does not allow the focus to change. When a rules violation and the focus remains upon a field, the behavior allows the user to better recognize the violation upon forms with many fields.

New APPLICATION PROPERTY has been implemented to check if data has changed prior to using SAVEROW in a form EEP. When the property is ON, SAVEROW will post data only if the table is in edit mode and data values were changed. The default is OFF.

Added GETPROPERTY command parameters for DB Image and Variable Image controls to check the accessibility of camera devices for a computer, as a camera may be installed, but not available due to privacy settings

Added ability to simulate a mouse click for Image, Variable Image, and DB Image controls with the PROPERTY command MAKECLICK parameter. The parameter specifies to fire the "On Click" EEP for the control, simulating a mouse click. The last parameter will accept any value for the PROPERTY command.

Added "week-based" navigation method to the DB Task Tracker settings and Date Navigator area. The available values of Month-Based, Week-Based, and Default offer more flexibility for the calendar display when selecting dates. A GOTOWEEK property has also been implemented to focus the DB Task Tracker upon a whole week for a provided date. The following alters the DB Task Tracker to a week-based display and goes to the specified week:

Added default file name (PDF, TXT, etc.) when selecting "Document Custom EEPs" in the Form Designer

Added SELECTEDFILES property to the File List Box control to return a comma delimited string of the selected files.

Added properties to the Database and Variable Lookup List View controls to specify the background color and the font color of the checked row

Added Database/Variable Lookup List View property where the check box state and row selection are synchronized. A change in the row selection will update the check boxes and vice versa. With "Synchronize Selection and Check Boxes" enabled, the variable will always pick up only one selection.

Added PROPERTY/GETPROPERTY command parameter for the PDF Viewer control to support the logical page number in PDF documents, for documents that support such

Enhanced DB Web Browser, Variable Web Browser, and Web Browser form controls with a new "Engine Type" property to specify the browser engine (Internet Explorer/Edge) for displaying web pages. A data folder may be specified for the Edge session information. In order to use Edge as the browser engine, WebView2 Runtime must be downloaded and installed, and files must be placed accordingly. Please refer to the instructions for the appropriate Web Browser control.

Improved Enhanced DB Grid Column properties when a list of Predefined Values are specified, the grid will honor the SET AUTODROP setting, where when focused, the list of predefined values will now automatically drop down if the AUTODROP setting is ON.

Added "Trim Digital Clock" property which trims a Digital Clock of the extra spacing/placeholders when a modern appearance is applied

Added Display Format, Input Format Mask, and Character Case options to the Enhanced DB Grid Columns properties to apply formatting to characters

Enhanced Custom Table Relationships, where the graphic table/view layout is now saved between sessions

Added independent Date Picker and Time Picker options for Enhanced DB Grid controls. If "Picker for DATE and TIME Fields” is unchecked, the individual pickers can be activated using the "Picker for DATE Fields" and "Picker for TIME Fields" options.

New Default Values implemented at the form level for all table-based controls. Within the Form Designer, select Tables > Default Values from the main menu bar to assign a default value to any column for the form.

Added PROPERTY command parameter for Enhanced DB Grid controls allowing the grid to use its font and background color, and not the color definitions of the columns

Added "Hour Glass Cursor On Filter" Enhanced DB Grid setting to inform the user that R:BASE is still processing when filtering records. The cursor change prevents users from closing the application prematurely when thinking the program is not responding.

Enhanced pop-up menu display behavior, where the current value will now be assigned as the default selection, for DB Edit, DB Memo, Variable Edit, Variable Memo, and Variable Unicode Memo controls

New PROPERTY command parameters implemented to simulate a mouse double click and a mouse right click for form controls. The syntax is available to fire the appropriate control EEP, as well as to display popup menu items in list view controls. The last parameter will accept any value for the PROPERTY command.

Enhanced capture from video functionality to support silent/hidden camera snap shots. The PROPERTY command CaptureFromVideoEx parameter for DB Image and Variable Image controls allows an image to be captured without having to press the OK button. As the CaptureFromVideoEx dialog may take time to focus when initialized, the silent mode can be set to pause prior to the image capture.

Support for automatic text content scrolling in memo and rich edit controls. Two new properties were added, AutoScrollInterval and AutoScrollContent, to allow automatic scrolling. The "Auto-Scroll Interval" property can only be defined (in milliseconds) within the Form Designer. The AutoScrollContent property specifies to begin scrolling for the content of the form control, which can only be assigned (TRUE/FALSE) at runtime with the PROPERTY command. The text will automatically scroll, and when reaching the end of the text, resets to the top and continues scrolling. The DB Memo, Variable Memo, Advanced DB Rich Edit, Advanced Variable Rich Edit, DB Rich Edit, Variable Rich Edit, DB Unicode Memo, Variable Unicode Memo controls allow automatic scrolling.

Added visual functionality for the PDF Viewer control to drag the document display in all directions with the mouse

Augmented "Record Search" dialog for Enhanced DB Grid controls regarding the "in field <fieldname>" radio button, where the field names match the custom field names

Enhanced "PROPERTY TABLE Search" functionality with an added option to use an EQUAL condition, in addition to the current CONTAINS condition (default). The syntax was enhanced to perform exact criteria searches. To search using EQUALS (exact search), add a equal character and enclose the search criteria in double quotes; "=(" and ")".

Improved "Document Custom EEPs" output to now follow the Tab Order of controls, to locate code easier

Added "Fixed Columns" menu option within the Enhanced DB Grid property editor, to specifies the number of columns on the left of the grid that cannot be scrolled

Enhanced "History" functionality to save the entire form, rather than just a snapshot of the EEP code. A revision number and date/time are listed within the History tab to track changes over time, and restore a form from a right click menu option. The backup files are stored in a "__history" sub folder beneath the current database folder. An option is available within the Form Designer Settings to disable the History feature, if desired.

Enhanced GETPROPERTY command to trigger required value checks manually upon form fields. The functionality checks if a field has a value (not empty), and displays a message if a required value is not present. When enabled, a value for the field is checked when the form is closed. With the PROPERTY command, an EEP may be defined as below:

Added REQUIREALTONACCELCHAR property for accelerator character use within the Group Bar control to specify whether pressing the one character is enough to activate a menu option, without having to press [Alt] first

When resizing objects, the width and/or height coordinates appears as a hint once a handlebar is selected, and change as the mouse is dragged

Added Sequence Mode support within the DB Tree Grid and DB Grid controls, which specifies to assign a column which controls the sequence order of rows in the grid

Added Pop-up Menu support within the DB Tree Grid control, which enables the user to access a pop-up menu when the field is double-clicked

New read-only properties for the DB Tree Grid control to capture the selected cell. The "On Cell Click" and "On Cell Double Click" EEP events are available for capturing the cell information.

Added "On Cell Right Click" EEP to the Enhanced DB Grid and DB Tree Grid controls

Added sub-directory support within the File List Box control to traverse folders

Added Find Previous support for Enhanced DB Grid searches, where the [Ctrl+F] search method works for "Find",[F3] works to "Find Next", and [Shift+F3] works for "Find Previous"

Added PROPERTY command to redraw an Enhanced DB Grid control after an update is performed



Form Designer features added within R:BASE X (Versions 10.0):


New Code tab to easily review the command syntax for Custom EEPs, table-level EEPs, and Custom Action specifically used by the form

Enhanced Object List toolbar offering increased organization and navigation of possible and existing form controls

New Control List utility [Ctrl+Alt+P] to easily find and add available controls, with the help of the component filter, e.g. typing "button" reduces the list to only button-type controls

New Variable Link enhancement that provides multiple variable-based mapped links for control properties

New Custom Table Relationships are available for multi-table forms, providing Common Column Names, Primary Key/Foreign Key, and Custom table relationships, allowing custom column linking between tables to be defined

New EEP Map utility [Shift+Ctrl+M] to display all form EEPs in a single location

Enhanced Tab Order Settings providing a separate "containers" panel, listing all container-type objects where selecting one will list the objects inside it (into a separate panel)

New Form Designer alignment guidelines are displayed when dragging/moving one or more selected objects, allowing easier placement of objects to align with existing objects

New EEP History tab to automatically save the form's EEP as a backup, when command syntax changes are made

Enhanced Select Tables dialog which now contains the Table Relation "One to Many" and "Many to Many" setting

Enhanced File Sort options for the File List Box control, allowing the sort to be performed based on the common fields available in a Windows directory window, with added option for the order directions and whether or not to show the sorted field

Added Character Case option for DB Memo and Variable Memo controls, specifying a case of the entered characters, which are converted as the user types

Pop-up menu support for DB Memo and Variable Memo controls, with the same features for DB Edit and Variable Edit controls

New Maximum Line Width setting is supported for all pop-up menus launched from DB Edit, Variable Edit, DB Memo, and Variable Memo controls

Enhanced EEP display status for the Table Selection dialog, informing users if EEPs are present within the Table Settings, whether it be a Custom EEP or an external EEP

Added output option for EEP documentation, where the EEP contents is loaded directly into the R:BASE Editor

Support to launch the R:BASE Editor to modify a control's default EEP command syntax using [Ctrl]+double click

Ability to modify the "Default EEP" assignment for form controls

Added Form Designer menu option to suppress the automatic display of the "Properties" dialog when adding new objects

New Single Click To Select Item option within Pop-Up Menus for DB Edit, Variable Edit, DB Memo, and Variable Memo controls, so the user has just one click to select an item

New Variable Row Heights for the Enhanced DB Grid. The settings can be modified in EEPs using the “RowHeightSettings” property. This is a comma separated name value pairs. Example: “2=75,5=90”

Enhanced Open Form dialog, with images, to distinguish between table driven forms and variable forms

Added Run Form (Live) option to run the form from the designer using live table data

New Add Stock Images right click option for the Image List Editor to load icon images used throughout the R:BASE front-end

Support to specify an image number in DB Image and Variable Image controls when displaying images which contain multiple images (e.g. TIFF file)

Added "Force Opaque" property for image controls to force a non-transparent image display, which removes flickering when images are refreshed

New ATTACH_ROSK PROPERTY command parameter to attach the ROSK (R:BASE On-Screen Keyboard) to a parent control (Enhanced Panel, Enhanced Group Box, Enhanced Tab Page, etc.) and embed the keyboard into the form

Enhanced DB Grid support for "multi-select", to capture comma separated values of the selected rows for the specified field/column

Enhanced Collapse Panel control to specific a glyph image for the expanded and collapsed state of the panel

New "On Caption Click" EEP added to the Collapse Panel control

Additional Tree View and DB Tree View EEPs to fire if a node is expanded or collapsed

Enhanced "Find in Control Properties" utility to also locate text within Custom Form Actions

Added options to create a new Custom Form Action, and to launch the Action Designer, from the Code tab of the Form Designer

Added Variable Links Overview to allow the review of which controls have variable links in forms

New predefined Display Format and Format Mask options for Variable/DB Label and Variable/DB Edit controls

Added PROPERTY command parameters to assign/remove check boxes in List View controls

Added PROPERTY command parameter to instruct a tree control (Tree View, DB Tree View) to rebuild the entire tree

Pressing the key combination [Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I] performs an image capture of the current form at runtime and launches the BLOB Editor to alter (image annotations) and save

Enhanced form lookup-type controls to allow easier modification for large lookup text and criteria, with vertical scroll bars and a button to allow editing using the R:BASE Editor

New Enhanced DB Grid option "Navigation Events on Calculation" to make footer calculations faster and to avoid flickering during refreshes

Support for the Dynamic Caption setting to work with global variables in Variable and External forms

New functionality to automatically convert a form Menu Bar into a Tree View control

New Enhanced DB Grid setting to specify the minimum character length for the filter bar to begin filtering values

Returned availability of the consolidated Control Palette, which provides all available objects in a tabbed menu

New "Popup Menu" support has been implemented for List View, DB Lookup List View, and Variable Lookup List View controls, to offer a right click popup menu to run procedures

Added "OnClickEPP With Mouse Only" setting for List Box controls to fire the event only with mouse clicks, and not arrow key selections

New Delay Filter and Delay Duration (ms) Enhanced DB Grid properties to enforce a wait time for each keystroke (or filter change) before the filter is implemented

Added "filter" setting for Enhanced DB Grid controls to display an hour glass cursor while processing

Added Enhanced DB Grid functionality to change all (or multiple) column properties at once

Ability to toggle between arrow and cross (enhanced visual alignment) cursors within the form designer [Ctrl+Shift+C]

Ability to customize the background color and font (name, style, size, effects, color) for the column headers and column details for DB Lookup List View and Variable Lookup List View controls

Added Form Setting to "Indent In Document Custom EEPs" to more easily copy/paste and use documented EEP code

New Form Wizard setting to automatically assign Component IDs to controls

PROPERTY and GETPROPERTY command support to rearrange an Enhanced DB Grid column order at runtime

Support to drag/drop objects from Explorer and MS Outlook to form controls

Added Enhanced DB Grid setting to enforce persistent colors when a row is selected and is highlighted

Added PROPERTY command parameter to save images to a file from the Variable Image, DB Image, and Image form controls

New Form Wizard setting to use the customizable Form Default Settings

Added Variable Memo setting to display the BLOB Editor when double clicking on the control

New Extract Thumbnail Cache setting for the File List Box to display images for file

Added Item Height option the File List Box to specify dynamic image sizes

Added table-level On Field Change EEP, to run the specified EEP once the field value changes

Regular Expression support for DB Edit and Variable Edit controls

New "ENTER as TAB" setting for Enhanced DB Grid controls to process the user's input on that field and move on

Added "Position On Click Site" property for DB Slider control to set the indicator position to the value clicked

Added vertical alignment properties for DB Lookup List View and Variable Lookup List View controls column values and row numbers

Custom text font colors added to Dynamic Color mapping for Enhanced DB Grid Columns

Enhanced Expression Builder with a "Sortable List" tab to allow sorting of the Variable Names

Added "Touch" utility to quickly update and save forms when migrating between current versions

New "Modern Digital" appearance styles for the Digital Clock, supporting 16 options to enhance the display

Added "Parse HTML Content" option in DB Web Browser and Variable Web Browser controls, allowing the content to be treated as HTML, instead of a URL

Added "Change Order" button for Tab Order Settings next to "Swap Positions", providing additional and detailed options toward altering the tab order for fields

Enhanced Object Inspector toolbar with support to alter common properties when multiple objects are selected

Enhanced Object List toolbar to indicate which Existing controls are locked, being listed with bold text and a gray background

Improved Form Properties dialog includes an "Apply" button to preserve and/or visualize the effect of each new change

Enhanced Expression Builder to accept curly brace comments "{}" within expressions

Added "Native Appearance" option for Bit Button, Push Button, and Drop Down Menu Button objects, where the appearance will be rendered by the operating system

Native Appearance option implemented for all theme aware form controls

Added Tab Control navigation options, when switching between pages/tabs

Added Show Task Bar Button option for MDI forms, which places the form as its own entry in the Windows task bar, making it easy to switch between forms

Added support for a multi-level Undo [Ctrl+Z] option to restore any unintended changes in the Form Designer

Added support to change the color and font for "all or a group of" columns and column headers for DB Lookup List View and Variable Lookup List View controls

New support to assign the focus on a specific cell in the Enhanced DB Grid filter bar

Added Extended Filter option for Enhanced DB Grid columns, to support additional conditions within the filter box =(...), <(...), >(...), <>(...), <=(...), >=(...). The value being compared is the "...".

Added Sequence Mode support in Enhanced DB Grids to specify a field which controls the sequence order of rows in the grid

Added Data Dictionary button to the Expression Builder dialog

New ability to reference a column in the dataset within Enhanced DB Grid dynamic colors

Added Form Preview utility in the designer to allow review of the an entire large form during active development, when the form is bigger than the work area

Added resize options for an object height and width to "Grow to Parent"

Added alignment options to "Stack" objects left, right, up, and down


Added EEP events for Standard Controls


oOn Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Static Text control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Push Button control

oOn Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, On Resize, and On Paint EEPs added to the Enhanced Panel control

oOn Click, Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, On Resize, and On Paint EEPs added to the Enhanced Group Box control


Added EEP events for Database Controls


oOn Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Label control

oOn Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Edit control

oOn Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Memo control

oOn Download Begin, On Download Complete, On Enter, On Exit, and On Quit EEPs added to the DB Web Browser control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB E-Mail Label control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Check Box control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Radio Button control

oOn Change, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, On Paint, and On Resize EEPs added to the DB Radio Group control

oOn Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Lookup Combo Box control

oOn Mouse Enter and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Lookup List Box control

oOn Change, On Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, On Paint, and On Resize EEPs added to the DB Spin Edit control

oOn Change, On Double Click, On Match, On Not In List, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB User Defined Combo Box control

oOn Mouse Enter and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB User Defined List Box control

oOn Enter and On Exit EEPs added to the DB Tree View control

oOn Col Widths Change, On Filter Change, On Top Left Change, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Enhanced DB Grid control

oOn Change, On Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Slider control

oOn Caret Moved, On Change, On VScrolled, On Resize, On New Document, On Load Document, On HScrolled, On Cur Text Style Changed, On Cur Para Style Changed, On Copy, and On Click EEPs added to the Advanced DB Rich Edit control

oOn Change, On Double Click, and On Clear Btn Click EEPs added to the DB Time Picker control

oOn Change EEP added to the Enhanced DB Calendar control


Added EEP events for Variable Controls


oOn Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Label control

oOn Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Edit control

oOn Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Memo control

oOn Change, On Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Rich Edit control

oOn Download Begin, On Download Complete, On Enter, On Exit, and On Quit EEPs added to the Variable Web Browser control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable E-Mail Label control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Check Box control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Radio Button control

oOn Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, On Paint, and On Resize EEPs added to the Variable Radio Group control

oOn Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Lookup Combo Box control

oOn Mouse Enter and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Lookup List Box control

oOn Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, On Paint, and On Resize EEPs added to the Variable Spin Edit control

oOn Change, On Double Click, On Match, On Not In List, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable User Defined Combo Box control

oOn Mouse Enter and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable User Defined List Box control

oOn Column Dragged, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, and On Resize EEPs added to the Variable Lookup View control


Added EEP events for Additional Controls


oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Bit Button control

oOn Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Speed Button control

oOn Click, On Drop Down, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Drop-Down Menu Button control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Scroll Complete, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the LED Text Label control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Tree View control

oOn Click, On Column Dragged, On Resize, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the List View control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, and On Resize EEPs added to the Group Bar control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Page Change, and On Tab Click EEPs added to the Enhanced Tab Control control

oOn Mouse Enter and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Enhanced Speed Button control

oOn Resize, On Paint, On Click, On Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Status Bar control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to each Status Bar Pane

oOn Change, On Enter, On Exit, On Resize, and On Hot Spot Click EEPs added to the PDF Viewer control

oOn Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Tab Set control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Link Label control

oOn Change, On Double Click, and On Clear Btn Click EEPs added to the Time Picker control

oOn Change EEP added to the Enhanced Calendar control

oOn Click, Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, On Resize, and On Paint EEPs added to the Collapse Panel control


Added EEP events for Internet Controls


oOn Download Begin, On Download Complete, On Enter, On Exit, and On Quit EEPs added to the Web Browser control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the E-Mail Label control


Added EEP events for File System Controls


oOn Double Click, On Drive Change, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Directory Tree control

oOn Double Click, On Change, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the File List Box control


Added EEP events for Legacy Controls


oOn Click, On Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, On Mouse Leave, and On Resize EEPs added to the Panel control

oOn Click and On Double Click EEPs added to the Custom Wallpaper control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Mouse Leave, and On Resize EEPs added to the Unicode Static Text control

oOn Double Click, On Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Office Button control

oOn Double Click, On Frame Change, On Start, and On Stop EEPs added to the Animated GIF Image control

oOn Click, On Double Click, On Mouse Leave, and On Resize EEPs added to the Meter control

oOn Top Left Change, On Double Click, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Grid control

oOn Click, On Change, On Mouse Leave, and On Mouse Enter EEPs added to the DB Rich Edit control

oOn Mouse Leave, and On Mouse Enter EEPs added to the DB Date/Time Picker control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the DB Calendar control

oOn Click, On Change, On Mouse Leave, and On Mouse Enter EEPs added to the DB Unicode Memo control

oOn Double Click, On Mouse Leave, and On Mouse Enter EEPs added to the Variable Date/Time Picker control

oOn Enter, On Exit, On Mouse Enter, and On Mouse Leave EEPs added to the Variable Calendar control

oOn Click, On Change, On Mouse Leave, and On Mouse Enter EEPs added to the Variable Unicode Memo control



Form Designer features added within versions eXtreme 9.5:


A new "Favorites Toolbar" is available for users to customize their favorite controls onto a single toolbar that lists their commonly used items

New Toolbar Designer to create a custom toolbar for forms

New Popup Menu Designer to create a menu for the Toolbar Designer

New Image List Editor to store images that can be accessed from the Menu Bar Designer, Popup Menu Designer, Toolbar Designer, and in Custom Form Actions

A Margins setting is available for spacing to be added for controls which are set as aligned

The ability to copy and paste form "Pop-up Menu" properties has been added to the Form Designer, using [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[C] to copy and [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[V] to paste

The Tree View control now supports the ability to search the nodes for text, using [Ctrl] +[F] to display a search dialog

A "Pop-up Menus" tab has been added to the Default Form Settings for the Form Designer to assign default values for all new pop-up menus added to forms

A progress dialog will now be displayed during a record search, [Ctrl]+[F], within an Enhanced DB Grid letting the user knows the search is working

The Enhanced DB Grid "Filter Setup", that can be launched by pressing [Ctrl]+[L], contains two additional options: "starts with" and "ends with"

New Time Picker, DB Time Picker, and Variable Time Picker controls have been added to the Form Designer to display a clock to edit time values

New Enhanced Calendar, Enhanced DB Calendar, and Enhanced Variable Calendar controls has been added to the Form Designer to display an improved calendar to browse and select dates.

A new Collapse Panel control has been added to the Form Designer to display a special panel that will collapse and expand when clicked upon

The new DB Spinner and Variable Spinner Form Controls has been added to scroll integer values

A new "Consolidated Control Palette" Form Designer setting is now available to consolidate the many Form Designer Control Toolbars into a single toolbar for better screen use

The Form Designer has been enhanced to support the ability to launch the specific chapter within the Help documentation directly from a selected object or control

Single click form object conversion to "enhanced" counterpart

oPanel > Convert to Enhanced Panel

oGroup Box > Convert to Enhanced Group Box

oSpeed Button > Convert to Enhanced Speed Button

oTab Control > Convert to Enhanced Tab Control

oCalendar > Convert to Enhanced Calendar

oVariable Calendar > Convert to Enhanced Variable Calendar

oDB Calendar -> Convert to Enhanced DB Calendar

oDB Grid > Convert to Enhanced DB Grid

oDB Navigator > Convert to Enhanced DB Navigator

oDB Rich Edit -> Convert to Advanced DB Rich Edit

On each form control, an additional "Apply" button has been added with "OK" and "Cancel" for all property dialog windows

Ability to load a glyph from from an executable, dynamic link library (DLL), OCX file, or icon file (.ICO) for Drop Down Menu Buttons and Bit Buttons

Alpha channel support to display a greater level of transparency for glyphs on the Drop Down Menu Buttons and Bit Buttons

Balloon Tip support for DB Edit and Variable Edit fields, which displays a balloon hint message that can contain a title, message text, and icon

The "Lock Control" setting is now saved with the form, so when the form is launched in the designer at a later time, the control(s) are still locked

Cue Banner support for DB Edit and Variable Edit fields, which displays a text hint that disappears when the focus lands on the field

A “Drag Form” property for the Enhanced Panel has been added to allow a user to drag a form by holding a left mouse button on the panel

The Enhanced DB Navigator control supports the ability for the buttons to be resized automatically

Ability to capture an Enhanced DB Grid Filter as a WHERE Clause with the GETPROPERTY command

The Enhanced DB Grid supports a new setting to skip/tab over the read only columns

A new "On Document Complete" EEP has been added to the Web Browser control

The Variable Spin Edit and DB Spin Edit controls include "On Increment" and "On Decrement" EEPs

The Variable Spinner and DB Spinner controls include "On Increment" and "On Decrement" EEPs

Multi-Column sorting in an Enhanced DB Grid is supported using using the [Ctrl+D] hot keys. The sort can be cleared using [Ctrl+Shift+D]

Two additional Character Case options have been added to DB and Variable Edit Controls; Title Case and Sentence Case

The Format Mask Property has been added to Variable Label and DB Label Controls

A new "On Change" EEP has been added to the Collapse Panel Control

Support to display a different justification for the Enhanced DB Grid column footer, to allow a different justification from the column

Additional "Distinct" Footer Type option for the Enhanced DB Grid footer properties

New "Selected Row Background and Font Color" options are available for the DB Lookup List View and Variable Lookup List View controls

The DB Tree View control now supports the ability to search the nodes for text, using [Ctrl] +[F] to display a search dialog

The "Show Accelerator Character" setting has been added to the Push Button, Bit Button, Speed Button, Office Button, Drop-Down Menu Button, Enhanced Speed Button, and Enhanced Tab controls

A new "Button Alignment" property for DB Radio Group and Variable Radio Group controls is available to move to radio button on either side of the item text

New Bidirectional Mode support has been added for Check Box, Radio Button, and Radio Group controls, which adjusts the text appearance and behavior when the application runs in a locale that reads from right to left instead of left to right

Two additional RBTI System Variable have been implemented for when a form is open in the Form Designer, RBTI_FORM_DSGN and RBTI_FORM_EXT_DSGN

A new "Stretch DXF" property is supported for displaying DXF images in DB Image and Variable Image controls

A new Expression Builder option is available within the Form Designer to edit the "Expression:" memo field font, which is helpful to clearly view all characters like commas, parenthesis, etc

A new "Show Row Numbers" attribute is available for the DB Lookup List View and Variable Lookup List View controls to add a separate row number column at the far left within the list

New PROPERTY command support for an Enhanced DB Grid to capture the column name when the header has been clicked upon

New PROPERTY command support for an Enhanced DB Grid to capture the sort order of the displayed records

Custom Form Actions have been enhanced with keyboard shortcut support, to launch the action when a key or a key combination is pressed

A new "On Key Press" Form EEP has been implemented, which executes when the user presses an alphanumeric/printable key

A new "On Key Down" Form EEP has been implemented, which executes when the user presses a key

A new "On Key Up" Form EEP has been implemented, which executes when the user releases a key


Form Designer features added within versions eXtreme 9.0/9.1:


New Enhanced DB Grid control, with hot key support for additional functionality

Integrated Object Inspector Toolbar for "under the hood" manipulation of form objects

New Enhanced DB Navigator control

New Advanced DB Rich Edit control

Ability to search for text in Custom EEPs within Forms

New DB Unicode Memo and Variable Unicode Memo controls

New DB Slider control

New Unicode Static Text control

The DB Image control can be used to capture images from any Windows camera, to save the data into a table

Scrollable Form Designer window when using the mouse scroll button

Enhanced DB Image control to receive an image by direct paste [Ctrl + V], to load the image

Support to add external content (text, rich text, images) directly into the Form Designer from the Windows clipboard

Added MDI option when running forms from the Database Explorer

Support for the [Shift + F3] key combination to display DB Grid pop-up menus

Enhanced Object List Toolbar to remember your location after editing properties

New "Roll-Up" setting to allow collapsible forms, which rolls the form up into the caption bar

Additional "On Roll Up" and "On Roll Down" Form Property EEP options

Support for CC, BCC, and Message Body fields for the DB Email Label and Var Email Label controls

Addition of X and Y axis rulers, in screen pixel measurements in the Form Designer

51 new Themes added totaling 86 Themes (Old = 35, New = 51)

Enhanced functionality to copy the SQL statement to the clipboard for all Form Controls with Table Lookups

Enhanced Object List Toolbar to display a blue star image for controls with external EEP files and a gold star image for Custom EEPs

All Form controls have been enabled with the ability to enable/disable hints

Support to copy/paste variables from the Form Designer's Expression Builder, to copy and paste variables from one form to another

Support to copy/paste Custom Form Actions from one form to another

Support to copy/paste Tree View nodes from one Tree View to another

Support to copy/paste Form Menu Bar items to move an item from one form to another

Ability to display form name and driving table using the [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[I] key combination

Enhanced DB Navigator support to APPEND a record, along with INSERT

New Link Label Control to add HTML support to a text label

New "Expand All Items" property has been added to the Tree View control

Support for an "On Double Click" EEP for the Web Browser control

Support for an "On Double Click" EEP for the PDF Viewer control

All Form controls have been enabled with the ability to enable/disable inclusion of the tab order

Support to change the background and font color for Tree View nodes

Ability to use Hot Keys for Enhanced Panel captions

A "read only" font and background color properties can be assigned when several fields are selected, and the right click mouse button is pressed

The text header for Variable Lookup List Views can be increased with the new "Header Height" property

Support to validate a data type value when exiting Variable Edit, Variable Memo, and Variable Rich Edit controls

Ability to change Enhanced DB Grid column properties of "Titles Clickable" for several selected columns

In the Form Settings, the properties for "Don't Show Save Dialog" and "Don't Show Delete Dialog" are now available

New System Variable Control supporting the following available values:


Date and Time



Windows User

Computer Name

Database Name

Default Printer

Current Printer

R:BASE Version

R:BASE Build

R:BASE Version and Build

Current Directory

Record Count

Record Number and Count

Record Number and Count with Description

Record Number

Record Number with Description